September 10, 2012

Thank you's

So I was under no illusion that the next 2 weeks were going to be easy, but I guess I just didn't realize how unbelievably difficult they would be.  Saying goodbye to my friends in Columbus shattered my heart into a million pieces, and I realize that the goodbyes aren't going to get any easier as my departure gets closer.  This is getting real, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.   Any time someone says "Don't go!"  or "Don't leave me!" I'm tempted to be like, "Alright, I'm staying."  But anyone who knows me knows that I can't just back down on what I've made a commitment to do.  It would be a heck of a lot easier to back out and not go, but if I made that choice I'd be letting myself down and most importantly not doing what I know I was meant to do.  So before I burst into tears again at the thought of not seeing some of my closest friends again for a few years, I'm going to take this opportunity to thank some of the people that have gotten me here.

Okay, let's start with my friends from the Newman Center.  Holy moly, you people are awesome.  You all have such a heart for God and have inspired me to follow my heart and trust in God's plan.  I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you for that.  Without Buckeye Awakening and the Awakening community, I can guarantee that I would not be in this place today.  Your love and support means the world to me.  All of you that prayed over me last night brought me to tears.  God was truly in that place with us.  Keep the faith.  I love you all. Oh and pleaseeee keep me in your prayers because I need to feel the presence of that MBOC when I'm half a world away.

Moving on to my math friends.  Looking forward to seeing you guys was the only thing that got me to class on more than one occasion.  At times we wanted to give up, but we got each other through.  Some of my fondest memories of Ohio State are from our crazy math parties.   Thanks for showing me a good time and being fellow math lovers.  I wouldn't have gotten through if I didn't surround myself with goofballs like you all.

Then we get to my best friends:  Mary, Lauren, and Stephanie.  The fact that we've only known each other for 3 years blows my mind, but I thank God every day for you guys.  You've always been there and I know you'll continue to be there.  There is not a doubt in my mind about our plans for when I get back and I'm eagerly awaiting the day we're all roommates again.  I love you more than I know how to express.  Thank you for the unwavering support, it means everything.

And to everyone else that doesn't fit in a specific category, thank you.  Your love and support mean the world to me.

Please keep me in your prayers over the next two weeks as I get ready to leave.  I have a feeling it's only going to get harder, which is pretty hard for me to fathom.  Thanks again to all!  

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